Sorry to everyone who intended to join the 11/24 public meeting via All Abilities Live. I did not find out until I arrived at Borough Hall and the videographers were not there. I am hearing that it is possible they were videoing a football game, which is nice, but it should not interfere with allowing the public to participate in our meetings. I will be asking that we figure out an alternative, hopefully back to ZOOM, but if not, we need to at least have a backup plan for future meetings.
Now to the agenda…
Congratulations to the officers who were elected as leaders of our HHFD. We appreciate your service to our community. Stay safe!
We spoke a lot about pedestrian safety following an incident at Washington Place & Terrace Avenue. Thankfully, all were unhurt. Please use the flashing lights where available. To drivers, SLOW DOWN! The speed limit on Terrace and the Boulevard is 25mph.
Henry Street is getting paved courtesy of the NJ Dept. of Transportation! Drop your street in the comments if it needs to be paved.
We wish Dorothy Bernice well as she embarks on retirement at the end of the year. Thank you, Dorothy, for your years of service to Hasbrouck Heights!
As the Social Services commissioner I was able to thank Lee Dussault for donating turkeys to our food pantry, the HH Junior Women’s Club for their donations, the Boy Scouts for their record food drive, and Bergen County for providing yams to our pantry as well.
We hired a new CFO to replace Mike Kronyak. The new CFO is a resident of HH, and we are excited to welcome him to the team.
Lastly, I ask you to check out Councilman Reyngoudt’s Facebook page for updates on basketball court rehab at Woodland Park.
Have a great Thanksgiving.
Please be safe and do what is best for your family and community.
- Councilman Chris Hillmann